Meet Our Executive Team

Jon Clancy, President

Our President, Jon Clancy, is no stranger to large-scale production. With 25 years of experience in the food industry, Jon has led culinary teams as the Director of Culinary for M Culinary Concepts, leading major events such as the WM Phoenix Open and Barrett-Jackson. As the Executive Chef for the Phoenix Suns Arena, he managed production kitchens that fed hungry masses in concessions, club restaurants and private suites. And during his time in Sports & Entertainment, Jon traveled the country supporting teams that produced food for the US Open Tennis, NASCAR, Kentucky Derby, Grammy’s and several Super Bowl Championships.

  • Tony Garcia


    Before running the Nourish Kitchen, Tony has been at helm of several other high-volume, high-production kitchens for a whopping 27 years! He has worked with the likes of Marriott Hotels as Banquet Chef, Jimmy Buffett’s Magaritaville as Corporate Executive Chef and Regional Corporate Chef, as well as OHSO Brewery as Corporate Executive Chef.

  • Alexa Adams


    Ever the go-getter, Alexa started her career in food 11 years ago with a stint in burger flipping for Five Guys. It didn’t take her long, however, to work her way up the chain of command to top positions within that group and others including Lead Trainer at Starbucks and Manager and Events Manager OHSO Brewery. Alexa is an absolute master at managing many, many moving parts.

  • JD Hoffman


    Our Regional Sales Manager, JD, has worked in nearly every facet of the foodservice industry—from dishwasher (arguably the hardest job in a kitchen), to prep cook, line cook and server. It is a background that has served him well during his 16 years in foodservice sales, as he has developed great empathy and understanding about both the back of the house and the front.

Meet Our Owners

Jessie Dahling & Anne Trauter

Nourish Co-Founders Anne Trauter and Jessie Dahling know a thing or two about food. For one, they’re experts at eating it—a passion they’ve shared since their college years (a few short years ago, wink-wink).

It’s a good thing, then, that the two were able to foray their obsession into a successful food sales and marketing company, which eventually lead them to the inevitable—creating and selling foods of their own. With Nourish, Anne and Jessie love serving the grocer and restaurant communities in their backyard and beyond. It’s one of the best parts of their day jobs. Well that, and the food!